There are: 5.2B Cell Phones in existence today 3.7B Cell Phone Owners Compare this to 1.1B Consoles/Handhelds gaming devices (and this is only if you count all the devices made since 1975) There are more Cell Phones than FM Radios. These are revolutionary times around the globe new mobile devices, business, production, and distribution models are being born. Today in the mobile game industry we face unprecedented opportunities.I never lost this joy of discovery and imagination. Photoshop is fun, but not required for engagement. We are all born with this innate capacity for wonder to grab hold of attention for long periods of time. I didn’t need Photoshop to enhance my sense of wonder.Strong emotion can fix a memory for decades. The natural power of emotions rivets attention. Did snails have special powers I did not know about? Force fields? Or were they suddenly speedy like drops of mercury from a broken thermometer that zoomed away from a finger that tried to touch them? I took this sense of wonder to Stanford to study human cognition, film making, and computers. One day I noticed dozens of snails on my front porch, yet I could not figure out why none were smashed or stepped on. Why this is: My earliest memory is chasing wonder at 3 years old. I named my company XEO which means the feeling of discovery. While I love Fiero, my favorite emotion is Wonder.We did not have an emoticon for it either, so I use this \\o/ I named it Fiero - Italian for personal triumph over adversity The feeling of winning looks like this. For example in 2004 the game industry didn’t even have a word for the feeling of winning. First step to understanding fun is that we needed Tools and language to describe player experiences.I am most known for having the audacity to ask the question What if you could change how someone feels by playing a game? How can we use this to improve how we live work and play? Called the Four Keys to Fun it has inspired 100’s of thousands of developers including Will Wright, Raph Koster, Jessie Schell, and Jane McGonigal as well as development teams at Bungie, XBOX, DICE, EA, Volition, Adobe, Facebook, and Google.A game called Tilt Flip’s Adventure in 1.5 Dimensions, where I designed a game mechanic to create an emotion profile that drove 250,000 visits. I also used our research techniques to design the first Accelerometer game on the iPhone With Joe Hewitt. Privilege to work on 3 of the Myst series, with the Sims 2 Team, and nearly all of the Diner Dashes.

For 20 years I have made screens more engaging through player experience design - applying research that unlocks the mechanics of how and why we pursue the complicated phenomenon known as “fun.” For the past two decades I’ve improved over 100M player experiences for companies such as Ubisoft, Sony, EA, and Cartoon Network.

Will we be victims or protagonists, healers or destroyers, problem solvers or problem creators? Games can show us how. To meet our future responsibly we must learn to chase wonder, master challenges, work together and, ultimately create meaning in an ever more complicated world. In games we take a break and in play we craft our future selves. Whether we are young or old we learn through play. I am dedicated past 20 years to unlocking human potential and improving quality of life through play.

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While I’ve only had 112 hours to gather these thoughts on where we are going, I have assembled some resources on : + 4 games that build tools and skills change our future + 3 new models of engagement for you to download at Welcome to Chasing Wonder A foot note: is that GDC asked me a week ago to speak, I seized the challenge to talk about the bigger picture.